Dentist Parramatta NSW

My smile doctors

How Invisalign Can Improve Your Smile

How Invisalign Can Improve Your Smile

Invisalign Teeth Straightening Treatment is a comparatively new technology introduced in Australia to improve your smile. If you feel shy when smiling or often find yourself covering your lips when laughing, it is time you think about Invisalign. Get your confidence back and make this world a little more beautiful with your happy and carefree smile.

Straight teeth not only help people with their confidence but are also good for your health. Crooked or broken teeth can get in your way to properly clean and flossing your teeth. Irrespective of the reason why you are thinking about Invisalign Teeth Straightening Procedures. You will find the best solutions with My Smile Dentist.

My Smile Doctors & Dentists have a strong focus on making sure your oral health is at its best, always. Once on the premises, you will receive high-quality treatments from a skilled and compassionate team. Dr. Navdeep Dhillon is a certified provider of Invisalign. It helps in bringing improved and beautiful smiles to teens and adults, alike. The expert oral magician does that without the need for metal braces which means you won’t have to experience metal in your mouth for months like in traditional teeth straightening procedures. Dr. Dhillon is one of the very few Australian dentists who has been accredited with the Prestigious Invisalign Immersion Accreditation and also proudly carries the Platinum Provider Status for Invisalign.

How Invisalign protect your teeth?

Unlike other methods, Invisalign creates a custom removable covering for the teeth. This covering is to encourage teeth to move into the right position. These tailor-made and removable aligners are best to fit your lifestyle without restricting your mealtimes. In addition, these held you without hampering your confidence in the process. If you or your child doesn’t like the look of traditional braces, Invisalign invisible braces might feel like a godsend. No more wires or metal brackets and easily removable too. Invisalign teeth straightening can take between 9 months & 18 months depending on the degree of the change of position required. Our expert doctors will be in a better position to guide you when you visit us.

Residents of Sydney / Parramatta can visit us to learn more about this life-changing and pain-free teeth straightening procedure. You won’t even feel there is anything on your teeth!

We also specialize in single-visit root canal treatments, Zoom Teeth Whitening Procedures, Cosmetic Dentistry, Laser Dentistry, and other pain-free oral health procedures. Learn more about My Smile Doctors by visiting our website.